Breathing Spaces Series

Breathing Spaces series is an evolution of works after the Raw & Vulnerable series. As my anxieties relaxed over the uncertainties of the events of 2020, I invited more spaciousness into my paintings by deliberately allowing more negative spaces to occupy the canvases. If one were to look closely, one would notice faint white shapes or ”shadows” floating either above or below the turquoise forms. I intentionally painted the shadows as a process of bringing light to my “hidden” emotions. In some of the canvases, the whites are not visible until the turquoise paints take on a deeper hue. And as I layer deeper shades of turquoise, the whites become more apparent. I feel this painting process is an act of shedding light on my hidden emotions that thereon no longer have the power to operate through my subconscious thoughts. In hindsight, I began to take charge of my feelings rather than allowing them to take over me.

Breathing Spaces series available via The Artling. Click here to purchase