Raw & Vulnerable Series

Raw and vulnerable is a series of work that I made in 2020 at the beginning of Singapore's circuit breaker when there was a lot of fear and uncertainty over the events of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting us globally. Like many, I felt a lot of discomfort as the world I knew and was used to was changing at a fast pace that I had difficulty processing the change. 

Through painting in abstracted layers, I was in effect laying down my fears, my hopes, the uncertainty I felt onto canvas. One day I was okay, and another I was not. There was a lot of confusion. I often struggled with these feelings, particularly uncertainty and fear. I used blue and green paint as they represent the colours of stability and healing that I so craved. It was messy. At the same time, deep down, I knew these challenges are temporary, and they are not cast in stone.

Realising this, I attempted to bring in luminosity unto the paintings. I contrasted lighter areas on the outer regions against the inner darker parts as a means to capture light onto the canvas. This I felt would bring a sense of hope and courage needed to get through difficult times.