I couldn’t have done it without you...

Thank you everyone who come to my first solo showcase - I am so grateful for your support and the encouragement I received from you. It meant a lot to me as Return to Self was a showcase of vulnerability for me. The ups and downs I have gone through over the years has been worth it. So has the healing journey however painful and uncomfortable at times. I thoroughly enjoyed the connections made and some long conversations that took place at Sainou Space. So very nourishing. :)

I just want to say thank you for being such a supportive and beautiful audience. On that end note I would like to share with you a collection of the kinetic mobiles that are individually for sale. You can view them via the Lookbook. I am so chuffed that some of you have decided to take one or two kinetic mobiles to grace your home. There are still a wide selection available for sale and individually these mobiles can bring a sense of calm to your private space, be it your home or office space. You can view a selection of the collection here.

Scroll below to view video of individual kinetic mobile. Enjoy!

Aside many people have expressed interest in the Co-creation Circle Sessions. I have decided to offer additional group sessions and I also do offer one-on-one session. You can email me at melaniegooiart@gmail.com for more information.

Land Sea Sky Installation at Sainou Space Singapore