⚡️ Embracing Imperfection…

a simple shift in perspective, brought about profound acceptance.

Recently, someone asked me about a work that I made in 2018. I was stumped for words. I had forgotten how to articulate the meaning behind the work; it has been years since I spoke about the series. I know I had titled the entire series, all six of them, ‘Contradictions’ with the roman numbers I to VI. I didn't have much of an imagination for titles back then. Why did I title them Contradictions?

I recall I was not very fond of the outcome of the work. They were my first exploration into watercolour on torn paper, and I used multiple layers of the watercolour-soaked heavyweight cotton rag paper to form my compositions. Inspired by my meditation practice, I wanted to create art that imbue calm and tranquillity - but they all fell short of that goal. I had much too high standards of what I consider calm works of art.

As I had made them for an Artist Open call organised by Maya Gallery, I could either chose not to participate or could embrace them for what they were. After all, they still fit the intentions of the Open Call, which would culminate into a group exhibition titled Liquid Light: An Exhibition of Contemporary Watercolours.

And so I embraced them. And the most surprising thing happened. I began to see the beauty in its imperfections. Just a simple shift in perspective brought about profound acceptance. The feeling of acceptance brought about a sense of ease. Hence, I titled them Contradictions, for I realised there will be contradictions and disappointments in life. Still, if I accepted these paradoxes or imperfections, life would be more bearable.

As I reminisce about these works, I have decided to re-title them with more imaginative titles, the first being 'Embracing Imperfections'.

And if you are curious, a select few of them are still available for purchase. I would love to have them housed in your home spaces.

Click for available works and their newfound titles. :)

And as always, thank you for reading. I am so grateful for your presence and energy.

Melanie xoxo

I began to see beauty in imperfections

‘Waves of Imperfections’ 2018 Framed 40cm x 50cm

blue layered collages

‘Embracing Imperfection’ 2018 Unframed 24cm x 15cm